Reasons Brookfield Maple Products Produces the Best Syrup



Are you a true maple syrup connoisseur looking for the best of the best? Look no further than Brookfield Maple Products. We take pride in producing some of the finest maple syrup around, and below are a few key reasons we believe we offer the best syrup on the market. Learn more, then shop today


maple tree

A Tradition of Quality

Brookfield Maple Products is a family-owned and operated maple farm with a deep-rooted commitment to quality. Our time-honored methods and techniques have been passed down through the years, ensuring that each batch of syrup is crafted with care, expertise, and a passion for preserving our family legacy. With a farm that had been around for generations, we decided to start Brookfield Maple Products in 1996 to provide delicious maple products to the world.

maple syrup

Pure Maple Goodness

Our syrup is made from 100% pure maple sap, harvested from our own Pennsylvania maple trees with no artificial flavors or additives. We believe in letting the natural, rich flavor of maple shine through in every drop of our syrup. The result is a product that is not only pure and authentic but also incredibly delicious, making it a delightful addition to any meal or recipe.

maple syrup

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability lies at the core of our operations at Brookfield Maple Products. We take great care in how we tap our maple trees, ensuring their long-term health and vitality. By implementing responsible forestry practices, we can sustainably produce high-quality syrup while safeguarding the environment for future generations to enjoy.

maple products

A Legacy of Quality

Since 2004, our maple products have been Certified Organic through NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC. Additionally, over the years, we have updated our maple farm with new equipment, a new kitchen, and state-of-the-art monitoring devices — all to ensure that what our customers get is the absolute best maple products on the market, period.

When it comes to choosing the best maple syrup, Brookfield Maple Products stands out for our rich family tradition, pure maple goodness, sustainable practices, and award-winning quality. Give our syrup a try and experience the unparalleled taste and quality that sets us apart from the rest, or shop maple sugar, maple cream, maple candy, and more in our online store!

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